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Lauren Rother

Lauren Rother

Currently serving as the VP of Product at appCD, Lauren Rother brings 15 years of expertise and leadership to product development. With previous roles at Akita and HashiCorp, Lauren has consistently built and led teams dedicated to crafting solutions that address technical challenges while prioritizing seamless workflows for developers.

Recent Posts

In the dynamic world of cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) emerged as an approach to streamline infrastructure provisioning. IaC promised...

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Take a moment and envision what your ideal future is for the world of infrastructure provisioning. 

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We’ve all done it, you go to fill out a template only to find out it’s the wrong version or lacks something you need or doesn’t quite apply to what...

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Maybe you’ve heard of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), which is the process of managing and provisioning computer data center resources (mostly but not...

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